The Law of Pet Action: Human vs Dog Mindset

Lesley Nase is the Creator and CEO of ‘Intuitive Animal Healing’ and shares how she uses intuition and empathy to better understand our dogs

Hello everyone this is Krista with Episode #158 on the Wag Out Loud pawdcast. Well, it has been confirmed… dogs do have a sense of time, and they do miss us when we leave. You might have already heard about the circadian rhythm, which is our internal biological clock, if you will, that helps us to know when to wake up, when to go to sleep and when to eat. Well, it exists in our dogs as well. And our dogs have a general perception of time as daylight turns to dark, but maybe you knew that already knew that.

Welcome to the Wag Out Loud pawdcast, where we are obsessed with bringing you helpful tips on canine health care, nutrition, and overall wellbeing. If you'd like to support the show, check out the amazing online events, products and resources that I personally recommend on the Wag Out Loud website. I'm your host, Krista and I'm super excited to be bringing you yet another tail wagging episode.

Lesley Nase, is the Creator and CEO of ‘Intuitive Animal Healing’. The host of ‘Books, Yarns & Tails’ on Win Win Women TV, Apple TV, Amazon Fire and Roku. From a very young age, she knew she was destined to work with animals. For more than 30 years, pet people have hired her when conventional healing methods failed to answer their questions.

Welcome dog lovers to another fascinating episode of the Wag Out Loud pawdcast. And after first meeting Lesley Nase, I knew that she had to be on the Show. So welcome, Lesley! Could you please introduce yourself and share why are you so passionate about healing energies, especially when it comes to our dogs?

Oh, you were so kind of to say that we hit it off because I felt that as well. I love listening to your podcast. So I appreciate that. So I'm Lesley Nase, Creator and CEO of Intuitive Animal Healing. And I'm the host of Books, Yarns & Tails’ on Win Win Women TV. It is also on Apple TV, Amazon Fire and Roku. But my career always started in nature. I grew up on a family campground in the state of Vermont. So I was always surrounded by animals at a very young age. And I think I'm one of those kids who just bugged my, you know, Mom and Dad about a dog, a dog. And I already had a cat. We already had bunnies. We had other animals that surrounded us, but I really wanted the dog. And it did finally come, the dog came a couple of times, but dogs teach us so much about our lives. And they reflect bak to who we are. And as you said, I do healing work as the intuitive animal healing and my gift and my passion has allowed me to help hundreds of dogs as well as cats and horses but dogs in particular. And to help those people who share their lives with their dogs discover their own innate healing ability and to help them deepen their relationship to their dogs. And I just so enjoy helping to restore imbalances and giving them optimum health naturally and holistically as I guide them through insight and wisdom as an intuitive healer.

That is great. Well, Lesley, I know that we can all agree that we are living in an insane, crazy, challenging world right now. And I think we're in a time where nothing makes sense. And it's great to know that more and more of us are seeking out more natural and holistic healthy ways to bring our lives into balance, like you mentioned, and of course more balance and awareness with our dogs. So I'm so excited that you're going to be chatting with us about the law of pet action, human versus dog mindset. So let's start unpacking this. Can you tell us what exactly does the law of pet action mean?

Law of Pet Action Explained

You know, over the especially the over the last four or five years here and into the pandemic when we saw so many people adopting the you know, a dog to share their lives and to help them. What I was seeing about the relationship between people and their pets was that their pets were really reflecting back to them. What was going on in their life. And that went right down to the point of anxiety. If your pet if your dog especially is anxious, look to yourself. Find out what's happening, because they're in Quantum Physics, there's something called mirror imaging. And there are these little neurons in our brains and our dog's brain. And we all know how empathetic dogs are. They just give us those great big looks that melt our heart. And they also look at us to help heal us. And so they try to take on what's happening within your body, for their body. So if you're anxious yourself, if you are having a hard time with anxiety, your pet is probably reflecting that. If you have some disease within your body, your pet can often I'm finding, they have a very similar disease in their bodies, as well. And everybody seems to be out of balance. And the easiest way sometimes to get a real handle on this is that we go unconscious in our lives, you know, we get up in the morning, and we do our morning routine, we get out of bed, we brush our teeth, we may get dressed with the same leg into you know, the pants or whatever, and go downstairs, and our dogs are right there. They know exactly what we're going to do when we're going to do it. And so do we, but we don't think about it. And that happens in the habit that happens to us. So we might be doing, trying to I knew I had one example of a client that I had recently who kept saying that, you know, I'm, every time I try and go out the door, my dog starts acting up. And I asked, where are you going out the door? Well, I'm going to work. And so this is different. Yes, she would say, because I have been working from home during the COVID outbreak. And now I have to go into work where I'm going to see all these people. And I don't know what's happening. And her anxiety level kept going up and up and up, just about going out the door. What we don't realize is that our anxiety, our thoughts get repeated over and over again, and they start before you go out the door. And once she understood that unconsciously what she was doing and projecting outward to her dog made a difference. She was able to then slowly back off, that behavior. And then we could work on regaining balance and holistically thinking of how she would venture and try this again. So that is the law of pet action. The actions of our pets really reflect back. And they know more about us than we want to let on.

You just have to listen.

Yeah, definitely.

Well, Lesley, what exactly is intuitive animal healing? And how does it work?

Intuitive Animal Healing

Well, we all have a sense of intuition. We were all born with that natural ability. But many of us through the years kind of go, oh, well, you know, I have to believe what is happening outside of me. So and it's not a bad thing. It's just that it's how we grow up and in this society. And so as a child, we start believing what our parents are saying, because they're trying to keep us safe. And they're our parents. And then as you grow older and older, you get your teachers and then where do you get your news? And where do you get your information from your friends and your peers. And you stop believing that spark that’s within you that has that intuitive knowing. That time when the goosebumps kind of rise up. Or many people feel the shiver down their their back when they hear something and they know it or they know an answer before the question’s even asked. There is that sense of intuition in the work that I do, because I pay attention. And I really am aware of my surroundings, especially when I'm working with someone. I'm aware of the person I'm talking to, but I'm aware of their dog. And when I'm working with a dog, all I need is their photograph and their name. And I often ask if they’re spayed or neutered only because it's an it you know, easier than using a pronoun. From there, I get impressions from the animal. It's like watching a little movie in my mind as I see things and I feel it within my body. And sometimes I even hear it or smell it. So that’s the intuitive, knowing part. And there are sometimes owners just absolutely know when they look at their dog and look at the dog's face, they're like, I knew something was wrong, I just couldn't pinpoint it. I took them to the vet, and the vet couldn't pinpoint it, they couldn't tell me exactly what to do, they would say, well, there's nothing we can do, or we'll try this. And it was usually medication, an owner will go, it didn’t feel right. It's that gut feeling that something else was out there for them. And so we all have that ability to develop our own intuition, and our own ability to help heal our dog, our environment, and our other loved ones.

Wow, that's cool. Lesley, what is the difference between an animal communicator and a pet psychic? Are they the same thing?

Animal Communicator vs Pet Psychic

Yeah, there, there isn't a whole lot of difference. You know, words are so funny because we learn the meaning of a word. And yet, it has different meanings in different ways throughout the world. So basically, when you're learning to communicate to an animal, you are using your psychic abilities in which to do that. And they can be very latent. You know, I teach about the Clairs as I like to call them. Sometimes people have Clairaudience. Clairsentience, Clairvision, the clair senses and all of these are part of the psychic tools that you can use in your abilities. So we all have different ways of accessing. And the hardest thing for most people is they're so visual in this world, that they'll be like, I don't see anything. Well, okay. But what do you mean by you don't see anything? Is it there or not? Is it black? Do you feel anything? Then you start digger deeper. Have you smelled anything? Stop a moment. Can you hear anything? And people start to discover that, oh, there is something in there. And that’s just your own skill ability.

Well, I think this is a perfect time to take a quick sponsor break. And then we are going to get into this and I know that you said we all have our own innate abilities in this healing work. So I really want to find out more about that. So Lesley, hold tight, we will be right back.

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We're back with Lesley and she is talking about intuition and the law of pet action with our dogs. This is just fascinating. So Lesley, I have had other animal communicators on the Show before. So what makes your practice different?

That's a great question. I think when I was talking before about what I've seen over the years, is that I what I've realized is that when most people started to come to me more than 30 years ago to do a session either a communication or a healing session with them or because I am a shamanic practitioner using those shamanic techniques as well, they were looking for me to give them all the answers. And yet, when you realize that the relationship and the bond that you have with your dog is so close, and that if I teach people how they can, you know, discern their own relationship and come up with more of their own ideas and feel empowered by that, that's more long lasting than me just telling you, well, this is what your dog said, and you can understand this they do, they certainly understand, you know, this is why they're not eating that food or something else. But when you give somebody the tools to really do it themselves, and whether you, you know, you have to do it on a daily basis, you have to practice you have to, it's got to be part of your life, that’s just the deal with that, then you're not always looking outside of yourself for the answers, you can start with yourself.

And we're going to do an exercise here shortly. So I'm excited to do that. You mentioned shamanic healing techniques that you use, but you also use the science of quantum energy. Can you tell us more about that?

Science of Quantum Energy

I love quantum energy. And it has really taken hold in the scientific realm, and the spiritual realm, to bring them both together. I believe in the seen and the unseen in this world, and quantum physics understands the energy that entangles us, which is a theory with our environments. And that means the inside of your house, to the outside of where you live, and everybody in between. And it also gives those biology factors within us, especially when I go deeper with someone about their unconscious and conscious habits, and how to change those. They get to understand the workings of their own self. And that's where your success comes in. That's when you get the change. And just a quick one on that. I had an agility trainer with her dog who did beautiful during practice, but during competition did terrible. And when I went to train to look at what the dog was doing. But I also train the person, you know, if you've ever been to a dog trainer, they tell you that whatever your feelings go right down that leash, and it's more of the person that you need to train than the dog itself. And when she understood what her behaviors were when I took her through a visualization, and she went, Oh my God, I didn't realize what how nervous I was. And what was happening on. I gave her the skills to work with her dog, real quick exercise, just before each trial that she did. And the difference was amazing. They were a team.

And what do you say? I mean, some people listening might say, Oh, this is woowoo. They're skeptical. What do you say to the skeptics out there?

You know, I love it. That term woowoo has been around for so long. That's why I so enjoy quantum physics, because it begins to open up your mind to say, well, maybe there's something to the spiritual side to that side, that's not there. I say use your imagination. Tap into that, you know, all of us have this logical mind that wants to play with us and say, Oh, my gosh, I just made this up. This can't be real. And yet, when you actually use some of what you imagine, or you understand, it changes, like a ripple effect in your life. It doesn't happen overnight. Except there are some times that there can be a big change that happens because you gain for understanding. But give it a try. You know and and if you give it a try and practice it and believe that you can do that. We are more powerful as human beings than we ever thought we were.

True. And there's such a small percentage of our brain power that we even use. We don't even utilize our skills that we have.

I know.

Well, let's do this. I am excited. You have an exercise for us on how to develop our intuition between us and our dog. So I'm ready for you to take the leash and walk us through it.

Intuitive Exercise

Okay, so this is called directive intuition. And this exercise has to do with relationships. Now, in this exercise, you want to think real quick, whatever comes to you, is really what it's going to be about. Don't judge don't think you know, and if nothing comes visually, then think of the sensation that you might be feeling. Because our thoughts and our feelings are connected. So those are the kind of ground rules for this. Take a couple of deep breaths. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to have you think of your dog, as you close your eyes, and you're thinking of your dog and your relationship. And then you're going to think of a blanket. And I'll lead you through that, as we start now. So to take a moment to close your eyes, and get yourself a little centered. And to do that, we're going to breathe in through our nose and out through our mouth. Slowly breathe in. And exhale. We're gonna take two more of these breaths, I want you to breathe in all the positive energy that's around you. And exhale, any of the negative energy that you may be holding on to coming into the here and now. And on this last breath, when you breathe in, slowly and deeply, and you feel your body relaxing, even more, and you slowly let out the exhale, you've just signaled to your body, that you're safe. That everything's fine, right where you're at. Now, in your mind's eye, I want you to think about your dog, one dog in front of you. Once you've got that, think of a blanket. The blanket is, is it around both of you? Or around one of you? Is it only covering around your shoulders? And part of your dog? Or is it covering all of you, and all of your dog? Does it have color? One color, two colors? Is it smooth and kind of no wrinkles? Or is it rough? And torn and old? Or is it brand new, and still needs to be kind of broken in? Open your eyes. Did you get any impressions from that?

I did. Hopefully our listeners did. Because listeners are supposed to be doing this with us.

I go real quick and real fast, because it truly is the impressions that you get. There are different meanings to different colors. Some people get one solid color, others get two colors. Now the blanket may look old, or it may look brand new, you know, does it mean that if it's brand new is a brand new relationship with your dog? If it's an old one, does it mean that you've had a long term relationship with the dog. All of these impressions are part of your imagination, and your intuition that gives you feedback. And there are others that we do that build upon that relationship leading to a meditation that's a real Heart to Heart Meditation. Where that's a deeper connection. But I start first with a quick thing and developing that intuition. So that when you get to the deeper part, you have opened up your awareness, your perception is broader. And you can bring in deeper understanding. And that helps you to understand that law of pet action.

That is cool. And does this work just with dogs that are here presently, or maybe dogs that have passed on?

So here's the thing. The caveat, I should say. If you're doing this on your own, that I probably should say yes to all of the above. But the caveat is we are tied up emotionally with those who share our lives. Our pets have our hearts and when they have our heart and it's whether I'm doing a reading… in the readings such that I do I I often will do a reading with tarot or oracle cards just because I can get kind of deeper meaning when a person isn't coming forth with everything they want to say yet because emotionally they want to, we want to please somebody just like a dog, we want to give the right answers. And sometimes we don't want to go deep. But we have emotional attachment. And some of the work that I do is end of life support as a death doula and a psychic medium to help people with those times. So our emotions are tied up with that. And if you do a directed intuition on your own, your emotion’s going to be like, I want them to come, I want them to come. Oh, please, please, please. That's a really hard one to do with ourselves. Yet, having said that, there are signs of those dogs who have passed on, who show up in our lives in many different ways. And they're always trying to give you that messages to say, I'm still here. I'm still part of your life. I didn't really leave you.

And the more we try to work on our own intuition, you mentioned, you know, signs, the feel of the blanket the is it over just the dog? Or is it both of us? Is it new? What color is it? How do we unpack what we saw in our minds? How do we understand what all of those that we did see what it symbolizes?

Well, let's, let's think about that. I don't know if you want to use what you saw as an example.


Okay. So tell me what you experienced.

I saw the blanket just around Winston. It was like a really soft velour, like a dusty blue.

Okay. And where was Winston sitting? Right in front of you like on your lap, or was Winston a little separate?

To the side of me on the carpet.

Okay. So when we can ask deeper questions, then we go a little bit deeper. So Winston was next to you, where he probably always is on the same side. And that's loyalty. And the color blue is a lot about safety, as well. And, you know, the velour is rich. And you know, it's plush and luscious. And so that shows you that you've got this loyal companion who's right next to you, and covered in this blue color of blue. It's a like an aura is what I would say. Bubble, bubble of blue, next to you. And, and so that's a real rich relationship you and Winston have. So anything else that you would add to that?

What came up for me… So I think if people want to unpack this, again, Lesley can teach you how to do this on your own. And I'm sure that's one of the best services that you offer to let us use our own intuitive healing. So Lesley, as we are wrapping up here, you have an offer. For our listeners, there's a free resource. Do you want to tell them more about this Heart to Heart Meditation?


Yeah, I had, you know, sometimes your mind goes. What offer did I put out there? I love the heart to heart meditation. And I really have developed that for people who are trying to develop more between themselves and their dogs. And I, I must say, again, that I found that some people go oh, meditation, I don't want to sit for that long and do that. But it's not very long. It's like 10-15 minutes. And it is a great way to jump in and get your feet wet and, and just explore it on your own through the meditation. But there's also times that people will say, Well, you know, I didn't quite understand this. So give it a try, you can always email me, I would love to tell you more and give you a couple of quick tips. And just so you can get your feet wet and see what it's all about. That's really what the Heart to Heart Meditation is about.

And can we find that just on your website?

It should be on my website these days. I don't trust websites so if you don't find it there you really want it. Please just email me and that will be on the website. And just, you know, reference that you heard me right here on on this podcast, Wag Out Loud and, you know, I'll gladly send it to anybody who who doesn't or couldn't download it or something.




Well, thank you Lesley. So you can find out more about Lesley and her practice, which is Intuitive Animal Healing. And that is at And Lesley works nationally and internationally by phone or internet. So I would really encourage people to reach out to her. She has such a powerful message and understands the true bond between us and our dogs and what we can achieve. So Lesley, I just want to thank you so much for being here. Do you have any parting words for us?

It was my honor and pleasure. And I just, you know, I do love dogs. I have three. I walked them before this, so they'd be quiet.

They all they were great.

They were great. Thank you so much for having me on. I so appreciate that.

Thank you, Lesley. And thanks for everybody tuning in. Go practice this intuition and develop a closer emotional connection with your dog. Thanks, Lesley!

Thank you!

Thanks again to our friends at Tickless USA for sponsoring this month's episodes, and for making such incredible products. Order your Tickless device today by going to And don't forget that code WAGOUTLOUD, no spaces gets you 15% off.

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Hey Winston was that another tail wagging episode?

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The purpose of this podcast is to educate and to inform. It is no substitute for professional care by a veterinarian, licensed nutritionist or other qualified professional. The host as well as guests who speak on this podcast express their own opinions, experience and conclusions, and Wag Out Loud LLC neither endorses or opposes any particular views discussed here.