Homeopathy for Dogs: The Things You’ve Probably Never Heard Before

Homeopathy for Dogs with Suzie Cyrenne

Hello there this is Krista with Episode #188 on the Wag Out Loud pawdcast. Are you a smoker? Well consider this, all pets are at risk of developing breathing problems, as well as eye and skin irritations when they're exposed to smoke and smoke residue. Here's some alarming facts: when burned cigarettes release over 7000 chemicals. dogs that live in a smoking environment are two times more likely to develop lung or nasal cancers and inhaled tobacco smoke particles. They stay trapped in the noses of long nosed dog breeds, like greyhounds or Borzois or Doberman Pinchers, so they have a double risk of nose cancer. and the short and medium-nosed breeds like pugs, Bulldogs beagles, Brittany Spaniels, well, they have a higher risk of lung cancer, because their noses are much shorter, and more chemicals go directly into their lungs. As we all know, cancer can cut years from your dog's life. So maybe consider quitting smoking. Our dogs do so much for us. Do this for yourself and for them.

Welcome to the Wag Out Loud pawdcast, where we are obsessed with bringing you helpful tips on canine health care, nutrition, and overall wellbeing. If you'd like to support the show, check out the amazing online events, products and resources that I personally recommend on the Wag Out Loud website. I'm your host, Krista and I'm super excited to be bringing you yet another tail wagging episode.

Welcome dog lovers to the podcast where we can all learn something new when it comes to caring for our dog's health and wellness. And joining me today is Susie Cyrenne, and she is an expert on homeopathy for dogs, and she's going to be sharing with us the things you've probably never heard before when it comes to homeopathy. So Suzie, I have been looking forward to this interview for quite some time. And I just want to ask you to first introduce yourself and share with us. How did you get into homeopathy for pets?

Oh, that's great. Thank you, Krista for having me. I'm honored. And yes, it's been a while it's been almost a year. So yeah, so my name is Suzie. I've been having this e commerce brand called Zumalka for now 10 years. So we sell homeopathy, homeopathy and natural supplements for pets, cats and dogs. And how I got into this, this business is quite the story. So I started I think dating my husband about 13 years ago. And when we did that, he told me his mom practiced homeopathy, I had no clue what that meant. And so I actually had been on prescription drugs for many years because I had skin issues, and I couldn't find anything to fix them. So I was just really desperate to find a solution. I wanted to try anything, anything new that I could find. And that's when I tried homeopathy for the first time. I tried it for myself. And I got excellent results. I wanted clear skin for my wedding. And I did that and it my step mom made it happen. So So for me, it was it meant a lot because it's not just about finding a natural product, but it's all you know, it's our self esteem, it can mean a lot of things. So I yeah, I was very happy to have found resolution, but not only that, a natural way too. So I follow this protocol for a few months and then cleared up my skin. And I just really realized at that time. Okay, well, first, what's homeopathy learn it really the nice way. And it works. That's what I realized. So. And this question, this question came up, why weren’t there alternative and natural options like this for pets? At the time, if you go back almost like 15 years ago, it's honestly it wasn't something that was very common. So yeah, so eventually, this led to a new and unique line of natural remedies for pets or recipes, that we pretty much serve mostly the US, though we do a little bit of here and there in the world. But that yeah, so that's how Zumalka came to life.

Wow, so you are living proof on homeopathy. And first, I guess before we dig in, what is homeopathy? Can you define that for us?


Absolutely. Homeopathy is a type of alternative medicine. And it was actually born in the 19th century. So if you don't remember your history too much, that's at the time when they practiced medicine, and it was very unregulated, very dangerous. So purging blood, blistering were standard practices, and they actually died from the treatments they received most of the time. So it's been a while back now. And at that exact time, there was this German physician whose name was Samuel Hahnemann. Hahnemann, I never know how to pronounce that name is German. But you were very concerned about the medicine being practiced at that time. And so that's when he started doing his own research. And I guess I'm giving a little bit of background on homeopathy as well. Yeah, yeah, it helps. Because homeopathy, I find it's very, it's hard to grasp as a concept when you first hear about it. So hearing the story, I feel helps. So, so yeah, this so this German physician, he actually started doing his own research. And he found a bark called the cinchona bark that was used at the time for malaria. So he tried the bark, even though he didn't have malaria on himself. And after he tried it, he felt sick, like he had malaria. And when he stopped using it, he felt better. So that's when he realized that if something makes a healthy person sick, maybe it can also help it can make a sick person better. So it kind of, it's the other way around, it cancels out. So that's when the principle of homeopathy first came to life. And you'll hear that maybe when you hear homeopathy, you'll heard of a principle call, like cures like. So that means that a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person or pet is the same thing is capable of healing those same symptoms in a diseased person or pet. So he tried this idea with many other things, got the same results, and that's how homeopathy was born. So that's what it is. It's really this alternative type of medicine that’s made with all kinds of natural products that you can find in nature. And it's highly diluted as well. And, yeah, water has a lot of vibration in it. And it can, honestly, we could go on like this for a long time. But it's really a great type of alternative medicine.

Perfect. Well, thank you for that background. I think that helps us. And I'm really excited, because I don't know the answers that you're going to give us. So why don't we start with the facts that you're going to share? And most likely, most of us won't know all of these facts about homeopathy and how they can benefit our dogs.


Yeah, absolutely. So it's actually very, like I said, it's about 200 years old homeopathy. But a lot of things we don't know is that it's actually even nowadays widely used. In other countries like India, I think that's probably the number one country, it's used in England, and other European countries, a lot. England, France, countries like that. And even though here in North America, we don't use it a lot. It's not very well known. If we look. And if we look into the statistics from the World Health Organization, they actually, after doing a lot of surveys, and they actually came up with this is that homeopathy is the fastest growing, and second most widely used system of medicine in the world. So yeah, that's crazy. I think that's just amazing. Because we're so in here, we're in our little closed system of, we use a lot of conventional medicine, which has all of its benefits, but we can't I didn't grasp the idea that it was such. First, it's something that exists, and it's really widely used. More than 200 million people actually use homeopathy worldwide. So that's a lot.

That's an awesome fact. I did not know that. Yeah, and what else?


Um, well, last time, I think we spoke about hospitals, I think, yeah, let's talk about that. So in the late 1800s, again, when homeopathy was quite new, but it really made a difference fast. And I was talking about Europe, India, they still use it today. But we most people don't know is that there were several homeopathic hospitals in the US, in Canada in those days. So several cities in the United States had homeopathic hospitals and the number of homeopathic practitioners. I think at that time, were about like, we would count them in 1000s. So there were actually a lot. And so you had a homeopathic practitioner, they had actually established medical schools, journals. So They were actually dedicated to the practice of advancement of homeopathy. So that's quite surprising, because that's not all we see today. And here's what happened, the popularity of homeopathy in North America started to decline when the conventional institutions came in with all the pharmaceuticals and all all kinds of things like that. So,

Yeah, I think unfortunately, for us, especially now, in our society, we want everything now. Yeah. And that's where the pharmaceuticals even though they're probably in most cases, not addressing the root cause of our issues. They're just a band aid. But we, you know, we think, Oh, it's working, because I can see results immediately. Yeah, versus going down the path of homeopathy, which is so holistic and natural. It's not an overnight, and you're not going to see. So do you want to talk about that? You know, it? It. Goodness comes to those who wait?


Yeah, absolutely. I mean, there are a lot of benefits to using homeopathy and just other other natural alternatives. And yes, I would say most of the time, it will take more time to see results. But sometimes it can be actually very surprising, we can actually get a lot of benefits. But to the ones who are ready to wait, when we think about it, it's it's very safe. I mean, it's non toxic. It's all natural, you, you can't go wrong when you use natural remedies, or homeopathy. And like you said, it aims to treat the whole animal it actually aims to treat the root cause not just the symptoms, which most prescription drugs today will do. It doesn't. Doctors are usually not just in conventional medicine, there may be not trained to look at the root cause of issues, they just go by different systems in the body, which is not a bad thing. But yeah, if you really want to get rid of the problem once and for all, then usually that's a great way to see it. And homeopathy does just that. So usually, when we take a problem case, we don't try to just take care of the symptoms. Our question is, how can we make sure this doesn't come back later on? So that's one great thing. And it’s side effect free. It's very, there are barely no side effects. And if there are, it's sometimes, the only reason is maybe you're just not taking the right product that you shouldn’t be taking. But I do not, it's pretty easy to to give and take,

but is it so easy to figure out which to take because let's say my dog has allergies, you know, that's a big box, you don't know where they're getting it from? Why were on the body? Can you see? Or are they itching? So how do you know which homeopathic remedies to actually say, I think this is what we should try on your dog.


I think that's probably maybe the most difficult thing to get yourself into and find your, your, your route to which remedy you should be using, especially when you're new to homeopathy because first of all, the ingredients are usually in Latin, who understands Latin and we don't you so you do need a little bit of a base. But I mean, it's easy to find that if you're just willing to go to your your library, buy a book on just homeopathy basics, though, it'll be like a little dictionary of symptom issues and which remedies can be good. It's so what I love about homeopathy, it's just, it's very up. It pinpoints the very smallest detail of your symptoms. If for example, your your dog has joint issues. Well it'll ask like Is he better like during the day see worse in the morning, like you'll have different remedies. for very specific symptoms that your pet will have. So that's great. But other than that, the practitioners are there, you can always go to an expert, we’re here for that. You can go to your health food store, usually a lot of the time it'll be either a homeopath or a natural path that will be able to help you so they'll help you direct your way to the right products. But yes, it again, it's not as easy as 123 Sometimes you just need that little bit of knowledge. But once you get past that, it's just like it's a new world world that opens up to you.

Wonderful. Well Suzie, this is a great spot where we are going to take a quick commercial break. So hold tight everybody and we'll be back with Suzie.

Thanks so much to the team at System Saver for being this month's feature sponsor. Dr. Baker's canine System Saver is an outstanding all natural supplement that promotes healthy aging. Originally created by a veterinarian to help restore health and soundness to dogs suffering from chronic inflammatory and degenerative conditions. This is one product that does so much. It's perfect for arthritis, hip dysplasia, and joint support, chronic dermatitis, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, and geriatric support for successful aging and quality of life extension. Now with the start of allergy season, System Saver works wonders on canine allergies as well. Learn more by going to Caninesystemsaver.com To relieve your dog's discomfort naturally. And as a bonus, wag out loud listeners can take advantage of a 10% discount by using the code WOL10 At checkout.

And welcome back to Suzie and our listeners, we are learning so much about homeopathy and how it can benefit our dogs. So Suzie, you were just talking about how to give the right homeopathic remedies in a formula for your dogs. And the nice thing about Zumalka that I love is that you've already created formulas for the, I guess, the cases that you see the most of you know, what are our dogs suffering from? And how can homeopathy help? How do you come up with those formulas? And what would you say? Are the top five issues that dogs have that homeopathy can come to the rescue?


Hmm, that's such a great question. So yeah, for exactly what you just pin pointed out. Previously, since homeopathy is, especially when you're new to it, you feel like you need that support. And somehow, so we're we just decided to create a line of products that kind of gets rid of that friction and that complicated journey of finding, like trying to find your product for your pets. So we just created formulations for one specific issue that includes all kinds of ingredients that can help address that issue. So the way it works is that, let's say your pet has, let's say I was talking about joint issues. Well, we took like the most common ingredients in homeopathy, put them in one bottle. And usually homeopathy, you just need that only one ingredient for it to make to be effective and to solve your pet’s issues. So like keeping that in mind, our goal is to make sure that in our mix, there's that that one remedy that's really for your pet, that will really solve the issue. And the what's beautiful with is that even if your your dog is taking the other ingredients in there that are maybe not necessarily 100% on point, it's not going to cause any side effects, the body will take in it really nicely. And also we have homeopaths on board. And what's what we love to do. And for us, it's so important to make sure that your pet gets the results. And that you feel supported that everyone like comes to us and asks us what would be good for my dog? Well, we make sure that every single recommendation that we give out, has been seen by a homeopath, we don't even charge for that. every single morning, or both girls come in, they filter out the cases and everything has to go through the homeopath before it goes to the actual customer. So just because we we want to make sure you're well served, you want to make sure you get those results and that you're supported because we understand that homeopathy, especially when you're new to it is maybe not as easy. Yeah. As we'd like to so so yeah, so that's what we do. We also have products come in spray spray form just because we feel it's easier. You can put in your pet’s mouth or something like that. But the easiest way to give it just one spray in your dog’s bowl, that's what I do with my dog and it works wonders. Yeah, so that's what we really love doing. That's how we help customers find their way through homeopathy. And I would say you were asking about the five maybe top illnesses that are issues that we help out with, I would say our number one that we deal several times a day, I don't even count them anymore i s cancer care. We really are in cancer care, I would say 50% of our our Pet Pet customers are have cancer, which is sad, but at least at the same time we feel like we can really support them and give them what they need to help increase their quality of life. Other than that, we have anything for oral oral issues so, Tartar accumulation, Gingivitis, loose teeth. So all of those issues are very common for most dogs, I would say. And if we're going to go into more senior age, then yes, joint issues, arthritis. That's something that comes up a lot. And other than that, allergies. You were talking about allergies before. That's a big one, especially like seasonal allergies. Yeah, I don't know how many that makes. But I would say those are our top. Yeah, that we see on a most frequently.

Okay, well, that makes sense. And yes, it's unfortunate that over half of our dogs now we're getting cancer. So yeah, I'm glad that you have options for people that want to go a natural route. Yeah. Well, the proof is in the pudding. And we all love on the show to hear success stories. So do you have a few that come? Top of Mind? You know, somebody came to you with these issues with their dogs, and you were able to help them through homeopathy?


Yeah, sure. Um, I have a first one that comes to mind, we're talking about oral issues, which I think every dog owner will find this relatable. So our pets, they all accumulate tartar like the brown stuff on the teeth. That were we usually try to brush your dog's teeth, right. So sometimes it's not easy. Let's, let's say it. we do our best. But our cats don't usually really appreciate them, maybe, but mostly don't appreciate getting their teeth brushed. So we do this time. Not so long ago, this three year old dog Rottweiler, he was not fond of his parents actually sticking stuff in his mouth and trying to clean and brush his teeth. So they were actually really worried they would have to sedate him to have a dental cleaning. So it's not something you take lightly. It's not like us humans going to the get a cleaning, we have to put them under anesthesia. So it comes with consequences or possible side effects. So they were looking for a natural remedy. And yeah, they tried homeopathy on their dog. So first, they tried in the mouth, it didn't work hungry. So they tried in the bowl, like I said earlier. And what I found surprising from his story is that after only four treatments, though, that's the equivalent of like four days, there was an extremely noticeable difference in his teeth, so. Yeah, like black, teeth, almost black, brown has teeth filled with tartar, which is really not not common at three years old, that’s very young. So I don't know what's happening there. But like it started coming off just in pieces just like that. So in just a few days, so I always like seeing that because if it can at least not 100% completely avoid a dental cleaning, because eventually, we need to get that tarter removed at the vet. But if we can at least space out those vet visits, then great. I'm happy. So that's just one light little story. But like I was saying earlier, we deal with cancer, a lot. And so that's for us, it's a it's our daily bread. It's that even if it's more serious, and yeah, so the trick, we have several things that we help out with to significantly increase the life of 1000s and 1000s of pets every year. And we use a combination of homeopathy but also supplements, we find that when you join, put those two types of different types of alternative medicines together really worthwhile. Especially with cancer. So we just went through we had this 10 year old poodle, her name was Shelby. She was in remission, which was great. And unfortunately, she came out of remission, the cancer came back. So that was that's what was pretty sad. That's when her pet her pet parents came to us and she had to go through chemo again. So at that time, she was really weak, depressed, she wasn't really eating much. She was anemic, all of that. So um, so we had her start a homeopathic and mushroom based protocol. And mushrooms are also excellent, especially when it comes to cancer cases to support the animal. And in just a bit of time, her blood count her RN were much higher, she was eating every meal. And she was chasing, I think her one year old poodle brother around the house again, which was an in really like Not a lot of time. So she was feeling overall energetic, happy. So that I mean, that's a reward on a daily basis to be able to see where the pet started and have that feeling that we were able to help and support and give not only more years to a pet, but a quality of life, which is very important.

Wow, I love it. And your products are for both cats and dogs, correct?

Yes, they are. We do cats and dogs mostly, but they're good for horses, pigs, goats, you name it.

That’s fantastic. Well, again, the name of your company is Zumalka. How do you How are you different from others in the industry?


Yeah, that's a great question. So like I said a little bit before um, We make sure that every single recommendation that goes out, we're not we don't just sell products. That's not how we want to be seen. We just offer a really good service. And so everything that, of course, you can go online and buy your products if that's what you want. But if the minute you come to us and ask us this, you ask us a question of what would be good for your pet, we have a full team match with ready to help. And I feel that you that's lacking a little bit in the industry at the moment unless you pay for a consultation. So we just offer it because we really believe that's that's how important it is to make sure you're directly directed properly towards the right remedies. Yeah, so our spree our products come and sprays and I would say we specialize in cancer care like that we put a lot of focus and effort in finding ways to help pets with cancer in the last years or so I think that's really something that we love doing on a day to day and are good.


Well, for those interested in the audience, and you should be because the Zumalka products are absolutely amazing. And the formulations that are already there, make it easy for us to pick and choose. And the free consulting. You're right who does that? That is amazing. So Suzie has an offer for us. I am an affiliate because I love, love, love their products and what this company is all about. So if you want to try any of the outstanding Zumalka remedies, you can get a 10% discount by using my code, WOL10. When you purchase at Zumalka.com And that spelled Z U M A L K A.com. And you also get a free consults. So that is an amazing offer. Thank you, Suzie to you and your team. And unfortunately like usual, we come up to our time is coming to an end. But what do you want to leave us with today?

And that's a good thing. If you're new to homeopathy or just natural alternative medicine in general, give it a try. Give it a try. It's definitely a great way to help your pet, support your pet, strengthen your pet. It's a great gift that you can offer your dog.

Wonderful. Well, Suzie, thanks for being here. Where can everyone find out more about you and Zumalka?

Sure well, Zumalka.com and we do have a YouTube channel if you type in Zumalka you can also find us there to learn up all kinds of things about natural products for your dog.

FB: @Zumalka

IG: @ZumalkaOfficial

Perfect, Suzie, thank you so much. I know that you guys are going to continue to come out with more products to help our dogs and cats naturally. So I just want to thank you for all that you do and making a difference.

Thank you Krista. It was a pleasure.

Thanks again to our friends at System Saver for sponsoring this month's episodes. Check out this fantastic all natural formula by going to Caninesystemssaver.com And be sure to use the code wol10 For 10% off.

Thanks for listening. You'll find some helpful links in the show notes and if you enjoy the show, please be sure to follow and listen for free on your favorite podcast app. And please, please share your feedback. Visit WagOutLoud.com for great product recommendations with discounts, amazing online events and fantastic resources. That's also where to visit our Bark About It page where you can suggest topics, guests or products. Be advised that this show offers health and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You're encouraged to do your own research and should not rely on this information as a substitute for nor does it replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your dog's health, you should always consult a veterinarian or a nutrition expert. Have a tail wagging day and we'll catch you next time.

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The purpose of this podcast is to educate and to inform. It is no substitute for professional care by a veterinarian, licensed nutritionist or other qualified professional. The host as well as guests who speak on this podcast express their own opinions, experience and conclusions, and Wag Out Loud LLC neither endorses or opposes any particular views discussed here.