Helping Dogs Cross in Peace

Sue London Helping Dog Cross in Peace

Hi there this is Krista with Episode #180 on the Wag Out Loud pawdcast. did you know that dogs can pick up on whether you as their owner, are fearful or stressed? Well, a study published in Animal Cognition found that dogs use their sense of smell to detect the emotions and the mood of their human owners. And according to the findings, dogs can find out how a human being feels by smelling his or her perspiration.

Welcome to the Wag Out Loud pawdcast, where we are obsessed with bringing you helpful tips on canine health care, nutrition, and overall wellbeing. If you'd like to support the show, check out the amazing online events, products and resources that I personally recommend on the Wag Out Loud website. I'm your host, Krista and I'm super excited to be bringing you yet another tail wagging episode.

Sue London is a globally-renowned hospice pet doula and animal communicator.  She has helped thousands of people and their pets, through healing, coping with emotional trauma, as well as providing tools to deal with behaviors of difficult pets. She has dedicated her life to helping others, to deeply connect with their own true self and with their animals, both living and crossing over.

Hi there dog lovers and welcome to yet another learning opportunity here on the Wag Out Loud pawdcast. Today I am joined by Sue London. And this is going to be amazing, guys. You have to stay for this whole chat about helping dogs cross in peace. Sue, welcome to the show. I've been so excited for this interview.

I know. I have too. Thanks for having me, Krista. I really appreciate it.

Well, I have to say I don't know if you know, but this topic hits very close to home for me. We just lost Winston in January.


So why don't you first introduce yourself and tell us how did you become not only an animal communicator, but more recently, you actually have the title of hospice pet doula. Oh, my gosh, I can't wait to talk to you about this. So when did this passion start specifically with dogs Crossing Over the Rainbow Bridge.

So I basically have had this happening all my life, like helping animals in whatever way. myself I died when I was 21. I was given anesthetic. And the next thing I know I'm in this Daisy with one of my my childhood dogs. And, you know, that was the first time crossing them when I was 34 years old, I had my intestine burst. And I crossed over. And when I crossed over, I wanted to stay because at that time my intestine had burst. I was in a lot of pain, I was going through a lot of stuff in my life. And I just wanted like to feel some goodness, you know. And so when I crossed I felt this joy and this peace and this love. And I felt pain free, which was amazing for me. And so when I was there, God and his angels knew just who to send, they sent my grandpa Buck. And what happened was that grandpa knew that it was only going to be him to get through to me, because I'm very strong willed. And I loved this man. I hadn't seen him since I was 21. So grandpa steps forward and says, you know, Susie, it's not your time. You need to go back. The next thing Jesus steps up beside him and says you need to go back because you have millions of pets and owners that you need to help. You need to help them cope, to heal and to move forward. So from having these near death experiences over the years of my you know, with my career as a radio host myself and and doing the different things, everybody wanted to know what it was like to die. And I find that that's the biggest area that people really struggle with. And so it just it just started happening that people were like, can you please help me can you tell me who's with my pet? Can you know and this kind of thing. So this is now what's happening that I haven't even advertised this yet. And I'm I'm helping one to two animals a day now cross. And so basically what happens is that I'm using my abilities, which are I feel, I hear and I see what is exactly happening to that pet. So I had an amazing experience. On Wednesday, I was helping a really special Jack Russell named Daisy. And her owner has kindly let me share this her story with you. And what happened with Daisy. She had had a fall on the floor. And she was 19 years old. Two years ago, I was helping her to get ready to cross. But Daisy didn't want to go because the owner didn't want to let her go. So DAISY, you know, I saw the portal there. I saw exactly who was coming over, but Daisy wouldn't go so here we are. Two years later, she has this fall. And the owner said you know I don't know is this time Is she badly hurt what's going on? So I tuned in to her. I sent her healing, and I could feel that her or she had an injury in her neck in her right leg, back legs, it was just it was beyond repair. So I was telling the owner that, you know, it's it's really time, and I'm going to send healing to you both because, you know, I know everyone listening knows, it is the worst experience to go through when you lose a pet. It's like losing a child. Or some for some people, it's like, a limb even, like, it's really a big thing to lose a pet, which we all know, right. So I wanted to give comfort to the owner as she was driving to the vet, because that's a long road, as you know, having to go through that, right. And so I sent the healing and what happened, which was incredible for me. And this always happens is that Daisy, as I was doing healing on her. She showed me how she was seeing. So I literally went into her body. And I saw that she like she was she had blindness. And as I'm starting to work on her, I could actually see my vision changed to be darker and really struggling to see.

And then what happened, I could feel her body and and what happened in the owner’s area was that the vet said, Here, pass me your pet. And we will take care of it. And then we'll call you in after the Xrays. So as this was all happening, I was getting messages from the owner's father who was there to help like he was on the other side there to help Daisy cross as well as Daisy's mom was there to help. And I was explaining to the owner that what was happening was that Daisy had had all these X rays, and the vet confirmed I was 100% accurate. And then I also started panicking, I said, You've got to get in that vet’s office, she's going to cross without you, you need to get in there. It was almost like a panic because I was feeling Daisy wanting her owner. So the owner went and said I'm staying like she I said you got to be firm about this, which she was she went in. And so what unfolded next was, for me the room, I saw around Daisy, all this shadow, this like fog, kind of like exactly what I experienced myself in the in the white light. And there's all these images around her. And right at the side. And I’ve never had this happen with anyone before, pets or people. There was actually a few angels that started singing. It was so magical, it really was touching me and I was crying. And so then what happened, I could feel that like as I was, I'm still doing healing on the owner at this point, and just still doing healing on Daisy. And then what happened I looked in front of me and my vision was had changed. It was no longer not seeing. But it was very clear. And I could see every detail. And I thought oh my gosh, she she's seen the light. She's She's crossing. And so then what happened a lot of times what I when I'm doing this, I will go down to the waterfront, because it's really a good space to be for me when I'm doing this. And so what was happening, I was sitting in the car by the water. I had my two dogs in the car with me. And so at this point, my vision comes back. And then what happened my two boys Gus and Marley. They moved to the side of the seat. And then all of a sudden Daisy appeared beside me she started licking my face. And that's every time I work with an animal this is what happens that's their way of saying thank you for helping me helping my owner so that then which was crazy. I looked up and I had my moonroof open in the our SUV. And so I saw all of a sudden all these birds go around in a circle around my SUV. There must have been 30 of them, Krista and I thought this is crazy. Like I know that the waterfront you see birds, but they just appeared out of nowhere. And they it wasn't like they were eating food. There was no one else around, I hadn't dropped food for to attract them. And they were going around in a circle. And the message I was getting was this is big change going to happen for both you and my mommy, and I'm going to bring them to you. So I thought okay, and so then what happened, I reached out to the owner and I said, Okay, this is what's happening at my end, you know that this is good. You know, she's doing great. This is what you can expect. This is what she's telling me how she's going to come to you. So you know, we'll get you in this place now. Like you got to grieve. Everyone has to grieve you got you can't bury this you gotta cry. And so, you know, it took about three days and then the owner started seeing her shadow. And so that was very healing for her. But that's just one example of what happens every day in my life now, you know, with these pets, so it's just I mean, I've just gotten on my website just a few minutes ago. And and now it's just like, people are finding me. So it's meant to be, right.

That is a perfect example of your gift helping dogs and their owners because you're so right it is. I can't think of any other and I don't mean this mean, but I felt worse when Winston passed than my mother two years ago.

Yep. Yeah, I don't cry with people but pets? I do.

I can't explain it. The. I mean, yes, I was sad that my mother and I grieved, but the pain, my heart ,the loss.


So more profound. When Winston passed.

Dogs Take on Our Energy

Yeah, well, the just these animals have such a quality. And see, I mean, you and I, we've talked about this before, the energy right now in this world, it's insane. And so all these poor animals are taking and absorbing the energy. And it's making them sick. And so I like to, and I'm actually, as my homework today from my web guy, I was on a TV show on recently, and I was showing how to clear the energy on a pet. And you don't have to be a healer to do this. And I'm gonna get that on my website on the blog area for people to see how to do this. Because, you know, people are going through stuff. And they don't realize when they're stressed, when they're angry when they're upset when they're scared. Their pet is absorbing all this. It's aging them. And the people aren't understanding why their pets are dying. And it's such a young age, I helped a six week old puppy cross over last week, I helped another dog that was just six. And it just it was doing great. And then all of a sudden, just died, had a seizure and died. And there was no health problems before. And it's just these pets are taking so much on, right. So, you know, people have to be aware that this energy is really affecting pets in a big way. So like my dogs, I give them Reiki three times a day and I shift their energy, like clear their energy, I take them down to the waterfront to clear it like that's clearing energy nature that helps to clear the energy. And everyone who listens to this needs to work on themself and do the same and have two Epsom salt baths a week. Because that will help clear the negativity in you as well. Because that's how you can help your pet.

Great advice. Well, Sue London, the animal communicator now Sue London enter hospice pet doula. Tell me what, what is the training? Or what does it entail to be called a Hospice Pet Doula?

What is a Hospice Pet Doula?

Well, I think like, you have to be able to understand like, grief process and like what people go through. And, and for me, like this was natural, because I already have died. I've died twice, in fact, right. So I know what the people and the pets are going to experience. And I think because I have had these experiences, this is just natural comes natural to me, you know, and, you know, you've got to know that it's a hard thing when when people lose their pets, because you have to, if you're going to be doing something like this, you have to be able to have the patience to understand where they're at. I'm grateful that I have the abilities that I can do the healing. And like I've got kind of like a package. So I feel what the pet goes through. I'm feeling the owner. So like, today, I have another pet that I'm going to be helping this afternoon. And so like last night, at quarter to five in the morning, I woke up and I could feel the owner was really second guessing and, you know, scared and stressed about, you know, what's going to happen today. So I was texting her. So, you know, I don't just say this is a one hour time slot I'm giving you. I look at that person needs support, and she needs someone to lean on and I’m being that person for them. So I've just I'm just really grateful that these animals are choosing me to help them because our pets and people when they cross they ultimately choose who's going to be with them. So it's quite an honor for me to be able to do this.

And do you work alongside a veterinarian that is actually giving the euthanasia drugs ?

So I'm actually at home here in Ontario, Canada. And so what happens is the owner will reach out to me and say you know that their pet’s really sick. And you know, what do I think is it is a time what it you know, is Am I doing the right thing? That's the first thing, right? And so then you know, we'll talk and I'll check in with a pet, I'll do some healing on him or her. And then I will honestly share Yes, it's time or No, it's not. And I will I don't hide stuff because that doesn't help the pet or the pet owner, right? And then what happens is then, you know, they have to come to terms of when they're ready, you know, I can know that a pet’s ready to go today. But, you know, a lot of people can't do it right away, and that that's natural. And so when they're ready, you know, I just say, Tell me when you're ready. So then it might be the next day or the pet can get really worse, and then they're ready to help their pet, you know. So then they say to me, what's your schedule, and then they check with me first, then they go to the vet, and then they say, I need it to be, you know, this time, and often what happens, it's always late in the afternoon at the end of the vet’s day, so it's quieter for them. And then I'm at home. And then I know the time, and like I was saying earlier, I start doing healing and healing support for the owner and the pet and the family, about, you know, anywhere from half an hour to maybe 45 minutes beforehand, I'm doing it the morning of I'm doing it the night before, just to give them as much support to help them go through this. And then, you know, I know the time and I'm sitting at my in my office, and I'm sending the healing remotely, and then we're texting back and forth. So I will say everything that's happening and who's coming in, and what the pet is experiencing. And I can feel, you know, just let go tell tell, tell him now, what you want to say. Because, you know, it's almost it's soon gonna happen, right? And so that's how we communicate. And then after, you know, they, they allow them like their space, and then I just let them reach out to me. And if there's anything we need to talk about, or I'll email and say, This is what happened. And that's, you know, what happens and sometimes it can go on for two or three days, that pet, at the cross comes back to me and keeps giving me messages, and I pass it on to the owner.

Sue, I wish there were more people like you, we have a great chance here to take a quick break. So everybody hold tight. We have more to chat about with Sue, so hold tight for the sponsor ad. Thank you.

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We are back with Sue London. And every single one of us that has loved or is in love with a dog has to face this reality of that awful day when we have to say goodbye. And I want to get your take on this Sue and I'm not shaming anybody because all of my past dogs before Winston we said goodbye at the vet's office. The procedure was done there in a clinical setting. And this time, we had the advantage of being able to do it at home through Caring Pathways was the company sent an amazing veterinarian and he was here and I'm gonna cry. Yeah, I know. Yeah. He was in his home. And he was happy and in his bed with George Winston music, piano music playing? And it was so good for us, but him as well. So I just encourage people, if you have that opportunity to do it at home, what a difference.

Saying Goodbye at Home

I can tell you, I know exactly what you're saying, because I have chosen that route myself, and had somebody come to our house. And I mean, for my dog Rocky, three times, I made the appointment and cancelled it. And finally, my husband, that he said, You know what you're being you got to do this, you're being selfish. Look at what that dog did for you. It's like, oh, my gosh, I'm being told I'm selfish, because I want my dog forever. So like, you know, even though I do what I do, and I know what I know, and I see what I see, you know, I'm right there with you. So like, you know, I don't want to lose any of my pets. They are with us, when we, when they cross over, they continue to be with us, but in a different way. And they're helping us in a different way. And I gotta tell you, like, we have to make sure we talk about Winston because he's like sitting and going, I want to talk, I want to talk I want to talk. So when you're ready. We'll talk about that, you know, now, but

I can tell you that it's so much better. Like we had music playing like you'd say you did as well. And I just all I did was I was giving healing to Rocky when he crossed. And then what happened I just leaned over, I kissed him. I said, I love you so much. Thank you everything that you did for me. And he just took a breath. And that was it. He never needed the needles.

You know, it's really interesting. So half of these pets that I have worked on through the process of the hospice pet doula, because I was giving them the healing, the owner is prepared because I've given them the healing to prepare the pet feels that energy. A lot of these pets don't even need the needles. They're crossing without it. And I mean, is that a gift? Or what? The big thing people are like, Did I do the right thing? And they have guilt so much for such a long time. And they don't need that, you know? So absolutely. I agree with you. If you have the opportunity to have someone come to your home. I totally 100% recommend you do that because it's easier for you. And it's easier for your pet.

Absolutely. Yeah. I just read this amazing thing this morning. To put all of this in perspective, that your grief is a measure of love.

Yeah, exactly. It's so true. Absolutely. Yeah.

And as much as Winston was such a huge part of my life. I felt at peace because he was sick.

Yeah, he was. Yeah.

And I'm just so grateful for every minute. It's not sad.

Yeah, it's joy. You're celebrating his life and grateful for him, right. And I gotta tell you, too, he's like, I need to talk.

I don't want to take the time on air, because I still have questions for you. But yeah, we can chat about that. He always was a talker.

There is a Reason Our Pets are In Our Lives

And I can I say this, because this is really for everyone as well. So what people need to understand is that when we have a pet come into our life, they're in our life for a reason. And so when a pet comes in, they do what they're supposed to do. They help you with what they're you need help with. And then it gets to a point where you'll see them going downhill, but if you look back things, what did they do to help you and that's why we say to people, after your pet cross as part of the process, write down all the amazing things that your pet did for you and what they gave you. And so when you do that, you look back and go, Oh my gosh, he got me through this. Like I can tell you my dogs have helped me become more confident, believe in myself got through abuse, you know, stepped into territories. I didn't know I could do. my one dog Willie when he crossed. You know, this was like 2:30 in the morning. And all of a sudden, I'm seeing like Abe Lincoln with him and all these big people. And I'm like, What the heck is going on? And so the next day, we were at a friend being ordained by a minister. And it was dark, it was rainy. It was horrible. And I just wanted to stay in bed. I had just lost my dog 12 hours ago in my arms and did Reiki on him for 18 hours. And just because we had a drive to take him because no one would come to the home with him where we lived. And so we were in this church and without a lie. A beam of light came through the church window. It was still raining, but this beam of light came through Willie our little black and white shitzu he came and appeared in this light right in front of the pew in front of me. And he said Mom, it's your time to soar. Go for it. And so he's been really at my side and his picture on my table along with my other dog, Molly, their pictures are falling off the table. They're moving stuff. They're they're appearing in front of me and they're really supporting me like, you got to do this mom, you got to do this. So, you know, I want to tell everyone listening, your pet was with you for a reason. And for you, Krista you know, where you're like, there's change happening for you. Right? And so he knows you're ready to start just like what Willie said to me. So, you know, take comfort in when you knowing that when your dog crossed, he/she knew that, you know, his time what he was there to do. It's now over you don't need him. I know you still want him. But it's time for you to you know, go to another chapter in your journey. And he's never ever or she is never going to leave you. You can experience like more from them when you become present.

That is so well said. And I would love to encourage the listeners, you know, so many people that I've spoken with say, I'm not getting a dog ever again, I can’t go through that grief. And I just want to encourage you. You know, Winston was a Norwich terrier. He was my second. And I knew I wanted this breed again. They're very rare. And this was such a lesson for my life. Oh my gosh. I thought I gotta get on a list because we're going to wait for a year or two before we can even find one. And my friend Donna, who owned Winston's dad. I've stayed in touch with her. She said you are not to call any breeders. You were putting it out there and just trust. What me? The Control Freak.I did. And Judy, who is in charge of the Norwich Club of America, she bred her dog. And she only had one puppy in there. I knew my chances were very slim. And like I just said, Okay, I've been waiting for a few months now. Who do you recommend? And she said, there's no litters. Krista, there's nothing planned. But I can give you two names. And the first one. Dale in Baltimore, she I called her and I said, Judy mentioned that I should call you and she said, What are you looking for? I said a black and tan male. And she started crying. And she said, nobody knows that I have a litter. I was gonna keep him. But this is meant to be. Therefore we got Dutton four weeks ago, and are so blessed. And I know that Winston sent him.

Anyway, I really encourage people to look at room in your heart. You're not replacing, you're just giving more love to another dog.

When is It Time For Another Dog?

Yeah, that's Well, that's very well said. And that's, that's like, you know, I know for me, like my childhood dog. I was an only child. And I was I was abused by my parents. And so I only had my dog. And I got her when when I was two. And her name was Spot because she had a big spot on our on our back end. And you can see all my pets on my service page. All the animals on there were my pets. And so I pay tribute that way to them. And so Spot, my mother actually took her and had her put down and didn't tell me. And she just kept telling me oh, she's at the vet hospital for two weeks. And then a friend said, so how are you doing without Spot and I thought that was really weird. So my mother had told everybody except me that my dog was dead. And I want to tell people, include your family. This is really important. This process you have to include your whole family, because it took me years to accept that, that this dog that was like my sister, she was actually going to walk down the aisle with me four months later. And it didn't happen. And I really had a hard time not being there for what she did for me to help her. And so, again, I was starting a new chapter. So it was her time for her to go. But people need to know that you need to include your whole family with this right? And you know, I also want to say that you know, when you're supposed to have another pet if you're a huge animal lover, like you know, we're talking about and I know if you're listening you are don't let that whatever situation you've had with losing a pet stop you from bringing that love in again. I ended up a neighbor said you have too much love to give to a dog you need to have one. And so he tried for two years for me to to have another dog and I know I lost Spot. I can't go through this pain again. It hurts too much. So I was 17 when I lost Spot. And this neighbor Johnny had a litter of puppies when I was 26.

And he said I've got one For you, his name is Rocky. And I said I can't do it I cannot do it and even what i do i You know what I do? And I'm saying no to a dog right? And so what ended up happening a year after Johnny came to me with with the offer of this gift of Rocky, a little shitzu he came back to me says look at you need to take Rocky. Rocky is meant for you. Because the person who had adopted it. What happened was she worked in a mall. And the owner of the mall said you can't bring your dog to work. So she was actually going to put this dog down at one year old because she didn't know what else to do with it. So Johnny says you take Him or else it's not going to be good for him. So I just brought this dog home and my husband at the time my practice husband I call him was not an animal lover. So do I need to give anyone a heads up on that, that if you're in a relationship with a non animal lover, your dog is trying to tell you something, right? I love it. I'll just leave it at that. And so what Rocky got me through everything and what happened he started going downhill when my future husband Ross came into my life because he knew he'd found his replacement. And then Ross was right there with me. So what I do and what I tell people is that don't kind of think in your head, you have to have this specific breed or whatever, right? That say to your pet that’s crossed, bring me the pet that, you know, you sense what I need next. Because a lot of times we don't know what's ahead of us on our journey, but our pets on the other side and with us do know we need. And so you know, some people think I'm gonna get this fluffy dog, but maybe you need a dog that is going to work with you and do this or do that. So just like trust in the process that your pets on the other side are knowing and let them just bring that pet to you. Because it'll be so magical. And they're never wrong.

True Dat! Sue, as we are wrapping up? What exactly I know everybody thinks the same thing. Where do they go? Do we see them again? Yes. Are they with our other past dogs, like you picture this meadow with the sun and flowers and all of our dogs are romping around and just having a great time together. Yeah, what really happens since you've, you've seen it, you know where they go.

What Happens to Our Dogs When They Cross?

So what happens basically is that when they as they are crossing, okay, and this is this is I'm using me because this is really what your pet’s going through as well. So, you know, they like, what happened with Daisy, remember, she was blind. And then all of a sudden, at the end, she got her sight back. Right. So this is what happens, they start to see the other side, often before they're crossing and it can be like a week or more or longer or less, that they start connecting with the other side when the time is coming, you might see them staring at a wall or wagging their tail or just acting unusual, okay. And then that's them connecting with the other side talking with them, the your pets on the other side, the other animals around you and around them are talking to them, and helping them to prepare for the process and what's coming, okay. So then what happens is, you know, the day comes and this is what's going to happen. So then what happens is, I always say to the owner, you it's really important that you tell your pet that you let them go, because a lot of pets, it won't be a peaceful crossing for them. If, because they'll try and hang on for you. And, and I've seen it and that's why, like, I I'm grateful that I can help these owners in that position. Because by me sending healing, it makes it I don't want to be saying like making this sound like but the only way I can say is magical. Like it's like, you know, like you can just see like, you know, you hear angel like I hear the angels singing to them. And I see all like the room is full of like your ancestors, people who have been around you that know you and know your pet. your pets ancestors. I've seen animals that just before they crossed, they start licking the air. And then I see they're connecting with their parents and their siblings. And so all of these siblings and ancestors and people, they're all there to help your pet transition. I have somebody that I'm going to be helping today. And their daughter died young and she's been coming to me they they got this dog to help with the grief. This girl sent this dog to help that family deal with the her loss and so this dog became their pet therapy pet right. And so now you know here here this one he's ready to cross because Change is coming for these people. And he's done what he's needed to do for this family. So this little girl has been coming to me and say, remind Mommy, I'm going to be there, remind Mommy, I'm going to take over now. And so what happens is a lot of times when these animals come back, so they go through a process, they're connecting with the other side, they're getting familiar with, you know, being different, like, you know, you see me I see you, when they cross, they come back, and some their owners don't see them. And it's in like, they have to be prepared for that. Then, you know, like, I shared, like, the tools and the techniques and, and signs for how the owner can help to see that. So then, when they see that, and I explained, this is you know, what you can do, this is what you're feeling. And so that's how you know your pet’s there, talk to your pet, because your pet can hear you. Often people will say, Can you please tell my pet I miss him and that I love him. He's right beside you. his head’s on your lap. Do you feel tingling on your lap right now? Oh, yeah. Well, that is your dog's head on your on your shoulder. And you're feeling cold right now? Right? Yes, I am. And so I'm feeling all this, like, maybe 1000 miles away from them. And even right now, as I'm sitting talking to you, my whole area, it's just standing only room standing room only with all these pets, and people and they're like, you know, thanking me just to come on the show and do what I'm doing it. So the energy is really cold for me. in here, I almost want to put a winter coat on. And this is like, summertime. Right? So that tells you how, you know, you can feel temperature change. So talk to your pet on the other side. And, and so then, you know, the majority of them do not leave you they still stay. I know. Like I've had seven cross my name of my company is Seven Dogs Media. And so they named it after after tribute of my pets who crossed. And so they're always like, if they need to get my attention, all their collars are in my office drawer, and they'll shake and say, okay, you know, or their picture will move. Or if I'm like, whose picture should I use for this promotion. And then Molly's picture, she likes to be the center of the attention because she's, so her picture will move. And so these are signs that when you get past the grief, you will experience and I always encourage people write it down. Because that brings such peace and comfort to know my pet’s with me in a different way. I'm going to be okay, he knows I'm okay because he didn't go or she didn't go until she knew I was ready. And now I'm going to start new a new beginning. And you know, and just trust and know that your pet’s got your back and looking after you.

Sue I'm sure we've brought peace and something to think about to all of our listeners. This was not sad. This was a feel good episode. And I just want to thank you. So Sue, where can everybody find out more information about you and all of your services.

So if you go to my website is WWW.YOURANIMALCOMMUNICATOR.COM. Okay, and then you'll see services on there. And then that will take you to the service page. And right now I'm teaching Reiki classes, I'm just not sure how long, much more longer I'm going to be able to teach them because I teach pet Reiki, but just because it's getting kind of busy.




That's a good thing.

It's very, very good. But you know, like, it's really important. As someone who works with animals and the work that I do, you have to really have that balance and watch your energy. And some days I'm going like 17 or 18 hours a day. And you know, I have to be having watching my balance.

Exactly. Yeah, like I gotta be there for the animals that need me, right, and the owners.

Speaking of what you do Sue, you have an offer for us and you're going to be holding a monthly contest that can be found on your website, WWW.YOURANIMALCOMMUNICATOR.COM Can you please share we are already out of time, but if you can quickly.


So really quickly, if you go to my homepage, WWW.YOURANIMALCOMMUNICATOR.COM You will see on the top of my homepage, it will say like monthly contest. And then what happens is you can apply to be the winner of that. So what happens is you can get you will receive like a pet healing for your pet in the morning and the evening for a week. And if I choose you then you get messages back and forth. Like what's your pet telling me this kind of thing? The contest changes every month. And so just watch that up there apply. And don't think, Oh, I never win, because I'm going to share a little secret. Maybe I shouldn't share this, but I'm going to share it anyways, Everyone's a winner, because I choose one to give the messages back and forth. But if you have applied, your pet is going to get healing from me as well. So you may not get the messages. But because you know, there's pets out there that are struggling, people don't have money to pay for some of these things. And I want to be there to help you. So just go there and check that out.

Oh, my gosh, wow. Such a gift. This whole conversation has been Sue. I want to thank you so much for all that you do. You are in the right spot with helping pets and their people. Yeah. So I would love to check back in with you to see how everything's going.

So cool. Well, everybody, the link will be in the show notes, please reach out, please enter the contest. Sue has an amazing gift and a very special service that you just can't find everywhere. So I encourage you to check her out and reach out. Sue, thank you so much.

Well, thank you for having me on the show. Krista. I appreciate you and I love you very much.

Love you.

I want to again thank the team at Green and Experience for not only being our monthly sponsor, but for also creating the amazing plant-based fetch ball, a safe and natural toy that I feel good about giving to my dog Winston.  Check out their online store by going to and put GreenandExperience in the search bar. You can also find the direct link in the show notes. Choose from a set of two or three fetch balls and save by using the code WOL15 at checkout for a 15% discount. Also, if you purchase two or more fetch balls and yours is one of the first 100 orders, you will also receive a FREE encapsulated dog tag valued at $15.

Thanks for listening. You'll find some helpful links in the show notes and if you enjoy the show, please be sure to follow and listen for free on your favorite podcast app. And please, please share your feedback. Visit for great product recommendations with discounts, amazing online events and fantastic resources. That's also where to visit our Bark About It page where you can suggest topics, guests or products. Be advised that this show offers health and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You're encouraged to do your own research and should not rely on this information as a substitute for nor does it replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your dog's health, you should always consult a veterinarian or a nutrition expert. Have a tail wagging day and we'll catch you next time.

Hey Winston was that another tail wagging episode?

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The purpose of this podcast is to educate and to inform. It is no substitute for professional care by a veterinarian, licensed nutritionist or other qualified professional. The host as well as guests who speak on this podcast express their own opinions, experience and conclusions, and Wag Out Loud LLC neither endorses or opposes any particular views discussed here.