Posts tagged ears
Paws For Prevention: The Power of Wellness-based Dog Grooming

Regular maintenance is critical to the comfort and well-being of our dogs. So, what would be considered basic hygiene and how does routine grooming benefit our dogs’ health. Christy Boswell is here to share how helpful regular hygiene improves long term health and how routine care is prevention in so many different areas. Grooming benefits that you might have never thought about. Tune in!

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Chew on This!

Dogs have an innate desire and need to chew. When you own a dog, you have two choices: give them something healthy to chew or let them find something to chew (ie your shoes, furniture). Chewing is a natural behavior for dogs, as it helps pups clean their teeth, exercise their jaws, and gives them something to do when they’re feeling bored.

So, with all of the choices of chews, how do we know what’s best for our dogs?

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