Posts tagged food
Applying Science Correctly for Dogs

What a great chat I had with Nate Dewsbury about the science that is available for our dogs to realize optimal health and nutrition.  With so many different food choices and supplements on the market, how do we know what will help our dogs to thrive?  And if we feed a species appropriate diet, is that enough or would we need to supplement?  Tune in to learn about passive vs active nutrition and how to find better products and not just more products.

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THE Biggest Mistake in Training Your Dog!

Do you think you know? The answer might surprise you. Some of the actions we take are so damaging to dogs, and we have no idea how damaging they are. Doggy Dan will share more about this big mistake, how to correct it, how you can incorporate the Dog Calming Code and how all of this differs from treat training or correction based methods. And learn why your dog so desperately needs you to be a leader in the relationship. Tune in!

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Real Animal Protein Without the Slaughter

With our ever increasing population we need to start thinking of how we are going to continue feeding ourselves and our pets. The state of factory farming today is so harmful to the livestock, to our pets, to ourselves and to the environment. Listen in as Rich Kelleman shares what ground-breaking food technologies exist that are able to create real high-quality cultured meat proteins, without the need to harm any animals. What!?

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Why Fresh Feeding is the Most Critical Factor in Your Dog's Health and Longevity (and the quickest way to convince you of that)...

Here today to chat about why fresh feeding is the most critical factor in your dog's health and longevity and the way to convince you of that is Dr. Conor Brady, author of the recent book that is in my mind the new raw feeding bible, Feeding Dogs. Dr. Brady is a dedicated advocate for natural canine food and health. Listen in as Dr. Brady provides the studies and science behind fresh feeding.

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YOU Can Take the Leash and Help Your Dog's Health!

I’m so excited to be chatting with Emily O’Neil. Emily is mom to Flynn, a 5-year-old Border Collie, as well as host for the podcast Dogs are the Best Friends where guests share stories about their best friends and Emily shares some hard earned wisdom on training and care. Emily and Flynn are about to travel in their tiny home on wheels to see her birth parents who she just found in the summer of 2019. She is sharing her story and travels on her YouTube channel: Emily O'Neil. Listen is as Emily shares her journey and what she’s learned from the three dogs in her life about how to tackle health issues and set your dog up for success when it comes to health and wellness.

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Ditch the Bowl!

Do you know that there is a better way to feed your dog? One that promotes the ultimate feeding experience for them and naturally slows down your dog’s eating routine? We’ve been feeding the wrong way all along. It’s time to ditch the bowl. Listen and learn why with our guest Carol Smeja.

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Talking to Your Vet About Homemade Diets

Going to the vet is often times a stressful event for not only our dogs but for us as well. Would you agree that talking to a conventional vet about feeding a raw or natural diet could be one of the most intimidating things? How is the best way to have an open and honest conversation with your veterinarian about what you feed your dog? Nikki Giovanelli, The Canine Health Nut shares how.

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