Posts tagged listen
Dog Gone Calm: The Benefits of Canine Sound Therapy for Both Ends of the Leash

Sound is one of the most common stressors for our dogs. They hear 3x higher than us humans! Because sound is such a powerful sensorial pathway for canines, music can be a potent remedy for reaching them and deeply communicating calm. Lisa Spector shares the benefits of canine sound therapy (music designed for dogs) and how it can improve health and behavior. Lisa even plays a piece of her Dog Gone Calm piano music. Listen in with your dog!

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How to Have a Conscious Conversation in Discussions Over Your Dog

Many people don’t have a clear understanding of the different methods of resolution available to them, so they resort to litigation. When it comes to disputes involving your dog, what is the best way to handle the situation? How do we gain listening skills and language to address conflict so that the winner in the end is the dog? And how do we prepare if something happens to us? Who cares for our dog? Let’s break it down with Debra Hamilton.

Who are your typical clients? What disputes are they having over their dogs?

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Love, Understanding, and Resolution for Dogs with People

Have you ever wondered what your dog is thinking? What they are trying to tell you. We can all learn to listen better so that we can listen to our dogs and live in harmony. Join us as speaker, empath, trainer and pet psychic Aminah Ramezany shares how we can read our dogs and use that information to deepen our bonds even more.

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