Posts tagged podcast
Manifesting the Ultimate Connection with Our Dogs

Don’t you agree that we need a strong connection with our dogs, now, more than ever? James Jacobson believes so and in this episode shares his areas of expertise to include: the benefits of meditating with our dogs, how to understand the options and provide the context if you currently are or ever find your dog facing a canine cancer diagnosis and then how to find out if your are a dog lover vs a dog owner. Lots to learn in this one!

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Spend Less Time Working, and More Time With Your Dog

I’m so excited to be chatting with fellow podcaster and influencer, Tori Mistick, who shares how we can all spend less time working and more time with our dogs. There are SO many ways that we can include them in our daily lives, in so many activities and can even travel with them. There is no doubt that Tori will teach you a new way to interact with your dog and she even shares tips on how to start a business or side gig in the pet industry. Our dogs have so much to teach us about life and we should definitely take their cues. Listen in! ❤️🐾

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