Posts tagged cannabis
New Tricks for Old Dogs: Cannabis For the Golden Years

Roughly 50% of pet owners in the U.S. give their dogs CBD, often on the recommendation of a veterinarian. But, what exactly is the endocannabinoid system? And what functions of the body does it regulate? Can every dog benefit from the use of cannabis and how can it specifically benefit our older dogs. Listen in as Sandi Krucik-vanBommel, Veterinary Cannabis Counselor shares some great insight on whether CBD can help your senior dog and what to look out for when choosing a brand. Great info!

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Natural Cushing’s Control

According to Washington State University, an estimated 100,000 dogs are diagnosed with Cushing’s disease in the United States every year. So, this is a pretty common disease where our dogs’ adrenal glands produce too much of the stress hormone, cortisol. Join us as Dr. Zac Pilossoph shares the causes, the different types, how it is usually treated with conventional medicine and how CBD is successfully being used in the treatment of Cushing’s. This is pretty much brand new science that is showing encouraging benefits. Listen and learn!

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