Posts tagged endocannabinoid system
Canine Cannabinoids for Dummies

While we have had many episodes focusing on CBD for dogs, Alex Kozushin, with his four years of research and development, does an excellent job explaining the functionality and benefits. Many have said that Cannabis is the single most significant new development in veterinary medicine to emerge in at least the last 20 years. Alex agrees and tells us why.

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Natural Cushing’s Control

According to Washington State University, an estimated 100,000 dogs are diagnosed with Cushing’s disease in the United States every year. So, this is a pretty common disease where our dogs’ adrenal glands produce too much of the stress hormone, cortisol. Join us as Dr. Zac Pilossoph shares the causes, the different types, how it is usually treated with conventional medicine and how CBD is successfully being used in the treatment of Cushing’s. This is pretty much brand new science that is showing encouraging benefits. Listen and learn!

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Why Your Vet Won’t Talk to You About CBD

Today we are joined by Hernando Umana, Co-owner of CBD DOG Health, who is going to share why your vet won't talk to you about CBD.

I know that many of us pet owners have been frustrated at our vet’s lack of interest or experience on the topic of CBD oil. In fact, it seems like everyone is talking about CBD – except veterinarians! Why is it so taboo? How do we start the conversation with our vet? What regulations are in place? How can we be confident in buying quality CBD products for our dogs? Listen in! Your dog will thank you.

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