Why Stress is One of the Hardest Lifestyle Challenges for Modern Dogs

Stress is the hardest lifestyle factor to address in our dogs and is more than mental/emotional, it’s addressing environmental stress (including indoor/outdoor and veterinary chemical stressors) and physical stress, including endocrine stress. Research is beginning to show irreversible physiologic changes that can occur when dogs are desexed.  Listen in to learn from Dr. Karen Shaw Becker about not only the environmental stressors that are putting our dogs over the edge, but the health consequences of early spay/neuter and how that brings forth a very long list of health issues and disease. But Dr. Becker does share some great alternatives and how to desex our dogs in healthier ways.

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Confused About Giving Your Dog Coconut Oil?

Hello dog lovers! Are you confused about giving your dog Coconut Oil? Well, we’re here with Charisa Antigua and Carmina O’Connor and they are going to help dispel the top coconut oil myths and share why this oil is actually the healthiest oil to give. Want to be the best advocate for your dog's health and wellness? Well, we need to be educated in the science of canine nutrition and this is a great learning opportunity to learn about how fats affect our dogs and why MCTs in coconut oil are beneficial. What are the different forms of coconut oil? You'll also learn about all of the benefits of coconut oil and how it can help your dog with seizures, allergies, GI issues, dental health and much, much more. Coconut oil as a health aid was recognized in Ayurvedic medicine almost 4000 years ago. How can it help with your dog's health?

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Dog Gone Calm: The Benefits of Canine Sound Therapy for Both Ends of the Leash

Sound is one of the most common stressors for our dogs. They hear 3x higher than us humans! Because sound is such a powerful sensorial pathway for canines, music can be a potent remedy for reaching them and deeply communicating calm. Lisa Spector shares the benefits of canine sound therapy (music designed for dogs) and how it can improve health and behavior. Lisa even plays a piece of her Dog Gone Calm piano music. Listen in with your dog!

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What is Canine Cognitive Behavioral Therapy & Why Do We Need It?

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, what are the benefits and does your dog need it? Billie Groom breaks it all down for us in this super informative episode. She is pretty much the pioneer in this area is the creator of UPWARD Dogology, a scientifically proven methodology for addressing anxiety and aggression, and behaviors common in adopted, rescued, and adolescent dogs. Listen in!

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The Effect of Dog Friendliness on Canine Health & Wellness

The result of keeping dogs away from our everyday lives can be seen in so many unwanted realities. It's so difficult for us to practice empathy, ongoing education, success sharing, resource provision, etc. unless we define our families and communities to include furry ones. Beth Miller from Wagtown is here to cover each aspect of how community culture gives us and our dogs an enriching and healthy environment. Listen in!

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Let's Paws for a Moment!

Does your dog regularly chew at their feet? Paws are really an important indicator of your dog’s health. If paws are smelly, nails are long, or the hair is overgrown between your dog’s paw pads, these could all be signs of foot ailments. What are your dog’s paw pads actually made out of? What are the warning signs of paw issues and how can we keep them healthy? And what about all of the environmental factors? Let’s hear from my guest Lisa Baronoff on how to address various paw issues and the products that can address them. Tune in!

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Successful Socialization!

What exactly is socialization when it comes to dogs? How should we properly socialize puppies vs adult dogs? Is your dog properly socialized? Are you confident that your dog will behave properly around other people and animals in order to create a positive experience? How do we make our dogs comfortable around unfamiliar environments and situations? Join me with my super informative interview with Carla Dusel, CPDT-KA, Operations & Behavior Advisor for Central Bark where she answers these questions and so many more! Do you know #1 thing every dog owner should know to best support their dog when socializing? Tune in!

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Structured Water - It is Not H2O

Well we all know that water is a key nutrient that both humans and dogs need to survive. But what is the current state of the water that we drink (filtered, tap, bottled, etc)? Dr. Marlene Siegel chats with me about the benefits of structured water, why our bodies need it to be healthy and how easy it is to create. I was blown away to learn about all of the ways that structured water helps our cells, immune system, detoxification, hydration and so much more. This oxygenated water actually has innate intelligence! Be in the know and tune in!

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Your Dog is not a Robot… They are a Living Sentient Being

Did you know that our dog’s behavior is affected by health and wellness? Ana Melara chats with me about about how our dogs are sentient, i.e. they have the same capacity as us to feel joy and happiness, as well as negative emotions like fear, pain and sadness. So, how does health and wellness play into our dog’s behavior? How can a change in behavior signal a possible medical condition? How can food and nutrition help our dogs’ mood and effectively their behavior? Learn all of this and more by tuning in!

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How to Tackle Tinkle with Science

Let’s face it. Our dogs have accidents in the house (urine, bile, vomit, poo, blood, etc). When it comes to pet messes it’s usually impossible to actually get rid of the stain and the odor. Many products will simply mask the nose-wrinkling smell with powerful (and probably dangerous) fragrances, but they don’t eliminate the odor. What if there was a way to completely clean the stains and the odors naturally? Without the use of toxic chemicals. Julie Holmes is here to share about the science of using bacteria to clean any stain safely and effectively.

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Manifesting the Ultimate Connection with Our Dogs

Don’t you agree that we need a strong connection with our dogs, now, more than ever? James Jacobson believes so and in this episode shares his areas of expertise to include: the benefits of meditating with our dogs, how to understand the options and provide the context if you currently are or ever find your dog facing a canine cancer diagnosis and then how to find out if your are a dog lover vs a dog owner. Lots to learn in this one!

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The Law of Pet Action: Human vs Dog Mindset

In a time where nothing makes sense, more of us are seeking out more natural, holistic, and healthy ways to bring our lives into balance and of course more balance and awareness with our dogs. Want to learn more about healing energies, especially when it comes to our dogs? Lesley Nase is here to explain how she uses shamanic healing techniques along with the science of Quantum energy to better understand our dogs. She even does an exercise to show you how to use your own intuition with your dog so that you're not always looking outside of yourself for the answers. You can start with yourself. Tune in!

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Natural Flea and Tick Prevention

We all know what a nuisance fleas and ticks can be, especially when it comes to how they affect our dogs. They are gross, annoying, and potentially harmful to our dogs’ health. But many products aimed at killing and preventing fleas and ticks contain chemicals to not only kill the parasites, but poison the host as well … and that’s your dog! Listen in as Ádám Bacsó shares the hard facts about fleas and ticks, the lifecycle for each, what diseases they can transmit, other health issues they can cause, the problems with pesticides, and the science behind how to prevent fleas & ticks naturally. There are safe treatments!

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Kindness Will Get You Everywhere

What is Kindness in Training and how does that differ from reward or positive reinforcement dog training? Gail Green has been training dogs for over 60 years, so she has seen various training methods come and go. And she knows that you and your dog first need mutual respect. Listen in and learn what are the best methods to shape and mold positive behavior. How do we get our dogs to work for something and not against it? Good stuff!

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Got Mussels?

Why are Green Lipped Mussels such a great supplement for joint issues and what makes their fatty acids better than what’s found in fish oils? Learn more about the science, the research, how they are harvested and why not all GLM extracts are the same. Dr. Howie is with us to break it all down and shares all of the proof of why your dog needs this superfood. Listen in!

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New Leash on Life

Is your dog impacted by a condition that impacts their mobility? Maybe they have orthopedic issues including surgery, injury, arthritis or something else. Listen in as Liz Rubenstein shares the treatments and products that actually help as well as the steps to take once we realize that our dog is starting to have mobility issues due to old age or specifically arthritis. Give your dog a new leash on life!

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Loving Life on Three Legs

How would you feel if your dog’s leg had to be amputated? Luckily there is an amazing organization Tripawds that is helping all amputee pets. Listen in as we chat with Jim Nelson and Rene Agredano who share the most important things people should know about amputee dogs. We cover the surgery, pain management, weight management and more! And find out how the Tripawds Foundation and Rescue Fund are doing amazing things!

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THE Biggest Mistake in Training Your Dog!

Do you think you know? The answer might surprise you. Some of the actions we take are so damaging to dogs, and we have no idea how damaging they are. Doggy Dan will share more about this big mistake, how to correct it, how you can incorporate the Dog Calming Code and how all of this differs from treat training or correction based methods. And learn why your dog so desperately needs you to be a leader in the relationship. Tune in!

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Are You Over-Vaccinating Your Dog?

Over-vaccinating is a big deal and there are many illnesses that can result from over vaccination. Listen in as Dr. Jodie shares with us the proper way to vaccinate our dogs throughout their lives and why titer testing is so important. Learn what a titer test is and why you should support new state legislation that will accept a protective titer test in lieu of re-vaccination. The old laws are archaic and the science shows that a blood titer test is a safe and effective way to ensure our dogs have the immunity they need without having to continue “routine” vaccinations.

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5 Signs It's Time to Hire a Professional Dog Trainer

Do all dogs need help from a professional trainer? Are we able to read books or watch videos to help train our dogs?The biggest drawback of do-it-yourself dog training is the potential lost time. If you are fumbling through and trying to figure it out as you go (as most of us are), you stand to lose valuable moments in your dog's life that could be spent reinforcing good behaviors instead of sending mixed and inconsistent messages. Hiring one shouldn’t be considered a reflection of an owner’s failure. Listen in as Louie Torres shares when it’s best to hire a training professional who is right for you and your dog.

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